Healing with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment by Helen Solarich, HOM, DCHM, FCHM

Hello, and welcome. If you are looking for a natural way to address your unique health issues, homeopathy may hold the solution you are seeking. Homeopathy is a wonderful, holistic and highly individualized system of natural medicine which considers all aspects of a patient – physical, mental and emotional, in the treatment of any state of ill health.

Homeopathy was first developed 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and has been used throughout the world since that time. Hahnemann presented this healing modality to the public only after extensive and meticulous experimentation with substances now used as homeopathic medicines. Since Hahnemann’s time, the healing properties of many more substances now used in homeopathy have been discovered through careful scientific investigation.

The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek roots of homoeos which means similar and pathos which means suffering. Homeopathic medicines work with the body to stimulate the patient’s natural healing response in order to bring about a gentle balancing and restoration of health with the aim of permanent healing.

Homeopathy is based on several clear and well proven principles:

The Law of Similars, or the idea of like cures like, states that a substance, which in large doses, can cause a particular set of symptoms when administered to a healthy person, can, when given in extremely small doses, alleviate those same symptoms in a sick person.

The Minimum Dose – only the smallest amount that is needed to bring about healing is given. The minimum dose acts as a stimulus to the ill person, and activates their self-healing response.

The Totality of Symptoms – a homeopath considers the whole person and all of their symptoms in choosing an appropriate homeopathic medicine.

Flowers at dawn

Why Heal With Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an excellent choice to treat many different types of ailments. It has a long history of success.

I’m Helen, a classically trained homeopath registered with the College of Homeopaths of Ontario – registration #15655. I’m dedicated to helping people feel better with this amazing healing art and science.

Homeopathy is highly effective, non-addictive, safe for all ages, including pregnant women and babies, and, when used properly, has no side effects. It can be used for chronic and acute issues, and be used alongside conventional drugs or other treatments. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and are non-toxic because they are highly diluted.

A variety of factors can overwhelm the natural healing response, and then states of imbalance and ill health can manifest. Homeopathy can increase your total vitality to enable healing, make you more resilient, and respond to life in an overall more healthy and positive way. Homeopathic treatment can allow you to move away from negative patterns of being towards a life that is more balanced and harmonious.

What’s the difference between Homeopathy & Naturopathy?
The education that a homeopath receives is intensely focused on homeopathy, whereas naturopaths study many different natural healing methods, one of which is homeopathy. Some naturopaths have had additional education in homeopathy and thereby are also homeopaths.

In Ontario, Canada, homeopathy has been a regulated health profession since 2015.

I invite you to explore more:

Homeopathic healing with Helen

Recent Articles

 My articles tend to focus on various homeopathic remedies and the ailments they treat, but occasionally other homeopathic topics are also addressed.

I invite you to explore the categories that are currently available, such as first-aid, remedies and conditions or browse all articles to find something that interests you.


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A picture of platinum ore.

Homeopathic Healing with Platina

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Calcarea Carbonica for Homeopathic Healing

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Feel Better Naturally!

Homeopathic treatment is a safe and natural approach to a better, healthier you.

If you feel that homeopathy may be right for you, I invite you to contact me, and let’s get started on finding the remedy. I look forward to helping you on your healing journey.