About Homeopathic Treatment:
How does healing with homeopathy work?
What is the process?
And what would your homeopathic treatment be like with me?
What's most unique about you?
A homeopath is looking for what is most unique about you and your experience of illness. This process begins with a consultation where I will inquire about many aspects of you and your life in order to find a homeopathic remedy uniquely suited to your state of ill health.
Different Timelines & Pathways To Healing:
A patient may only need one homeopathic remedy or may need several administered in a series in order to feel well.
This process may take a short while or it may take longer depending on a variety of factors.

Your Experience of being unwell
Homeopaths regard symptoms as signs of how an individual is coping with an imbalance within themselves; these symptoms provide the guide to discovering the correct homeopathic medicine.
I will ask you many detailed questions about how your illness is manifesting, when it began, what makes you feel better or worse, and about all the details that you can provide about the sensations, emotions and thoughts that you are having in your state of ill health.
I will also inquire about many other aspects of yourself including your character, the nature of your relationships with others, your life history, sleep, dreams, and food preferences.

Finding the Central Disturbance
Selecting the correct remedy
All of the patient’s descriptions of themselves and their illness, when put together, form a detailed picture of the patient in their state of ill health, which leads to an understanding of the central disturbance or root cause.
This highly comprehensive image of the patient and the nature of the root cause allow the homeopath to choose an appropriate medicine, also known as the remedy, which activates the patient’s self healing capacity and thereby gently helps a person move towards wellness.
After successful homeopathic treatment, the patient will remain well, although they have stopped taking the medicine.

The Different Pathways to Healing:
The length of time for treatment varies from person to person based on a variety of factors, such as the nature and severity of the illness, stress and diet.
If the illness has been present in the patient for a long time, it is likely that treatment will take longer than for an illness that has only been present for a short time.
A person can have several different layers of illness within themselves, which need to be treated one by one, like layers of an onion, in order to reach an optimal state of wellness.
Homeopathy can help you to truly heal
When “heal” means that the patient will remain healthy after successful homeopathic treatment, in spite of the fact that they have stopped taking the medicine.
Want to explore the Science of Homeopathy? You can follow the evidence here.
Thanks to The American Institute of Homeopathy, here is a link to a huge repository of scientific evidence concerning homeopathy, where one can find a mountain of evidence about the efficacy of homeopathic medicine. You can browse through and assess for yourself: https://homeopathyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Homeopathy-Research-Evidence-Base-06-01-2023.pdf (Opens in a new tab) This information is constantly being updated, so the link provided may not lead to the absolute latest version.