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Calcarea Carbonica is made from the inner layer of the oyster shell.

Calcarea Carbonica for Homeopathic Healing

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Calcarea Carbonica is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat a variety of ailments.

Calcarea Carbonica, one of the most widely used homeopathic remedies, is made from the inner layer of the oyster shell. Part of this shell’s composition is calcium which is vital to the body’s functionality; too little or too much calcium can affect bones, glands, skin, blood, muscles, arteries and nerves. Correspondingly, with people who need Calcarea Carbonica, there can be problems with nutrient absorption and a tendency towards either obesity or emaciation.

Work, responsibility and security are themes which are very significant with this remedy.

These patients are typically very hard working, dutiful and responsible. They are focused on building security for themselves, like the shell of the oyster providing protection for the creature inside it. Due to this concern for security, they can take on too much work, become obsessed with trivial details of their work, and then become overwhelmed with all that they see themselves as having to do. This can lead to memory problems and consequently fears that others are observing their confusion. They are also known for their obstinacy which makes sense given their great motivation to achieve security.

As a result of all the overwork, they can become exhausted, may feel they can no longer function, lose interest in their work and leave their job altogether. All of this can lead to despair and depression.

Fear and anxiety are also prominent in the homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonica.

In addition to anxiety about security and money, these people are anxious about health and can feel hopeless about their ability to recover. They can have many other fears and phobias, including fear of going insane, heights, the future, and mice and rats. Aversion to hearing bad news, visions of frightening faces upon closing their eyes and night terrors or nightmares may be present.

Related to their fearful nature is a strong interest in the metaphysical and what happens after death; this may represent an attempt to reassure themselves about what exists beyond the physical realm. The theme of fear which runs through this remedy is related to the inner oyster shell, a sanctuary from the world outside the shell and the many potentially fearful things in it.

Quite often, Calcarea Carbonica patients tend to feel cold.

Calcarea Carbonica patients tend to be cold, often have cold and clammy hands, and are worse from cold air and cold wet weather. They perspire on their heads – especially on the back of the head and during sleep, and their perspiration may have a characteristic sour smell. These people do not have much physical stamina and are worse from exertion which can bring on breathing problems. Vertigo from ascending, looking down from a height or turning the head quickly can be present. In the nasal area, hay fever, chronic nasal obstruction or polyps are seen.

In the mouth, teeth may break easily and there can be delays with tooth growth. There can be constipation which doesn’t bother the patient, and a strong craving for eggs. Other issues that are commonly seen in people needing this remedy are fibroids, menstrual bleeding outside of regular periods, nausea, chest pains, skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, boils and abscesses, arthritis, back weakness and low back pain.

Please get in touch if you feel you may benefit from homeopathic treatment. I would love to discuss your case with you.