Services and fees:

The first appointment is approximately 2 hours. It's important to have regular follow ups, especially at the beginning of treatment, to ensure healing is proceeding well and to adjust the prescription as appropriate. Follow ups are usually scheduled 4 - 6 weeks apart.

Appointments with patients take place online or via phone if online is not possible.

My rates are as outlined in the descriptions below.

How do my services and fees work?

You must complete an intake form before the consultation.

You can expect the first consultation to be about 2 hours in length and follow ups to take anywhere from half an hour to an hour.

At the first consultation you can expect to be asked many questions about your present and past state of health. For the best results, you should be as candid as possible about your experiences.

With all the information gathered, I will make a homeopathic analysis and arrive at a prescription for you.

During follow up consultations, we will review many of the details discussed in the first consultation so that I may assess your progress and adjust your prescription as appropriate.

Your information will always be kept in the strictest confidence.

Payment for consultations can be made by cash, cheque or e-transfer (credit card payments coming soon).

Initial consultation


Initial consultation:
2 hours - $200
Regular Follow up consultation:
45 min - $75
Short Follow up consultation:
30 minutes - $50
Extended follow-up consultation:
1 hour - $100

Child at computer
Children Under 13 Years of Age

Initial consultation:
1.5 – 2 hours - $150
Regular Follow up Consultation:
45 minutes - $60
Short Follow up consultation:
30 minutes - $40

Acute issues

For Acute Issues

$25 per 15 minutes or portion thereof

Your appointment time has been especially reserved for you.
If you would like to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please do so within 24 hours of the appointment time.
Thank-you for your understanding.

Is Homeopathy covered by insurance?

Many extended health care plans now cover homeopathic treatment. If your work health care plan does not cover it, you could speak to the appropriate person at your workplace to suggest that homeopathy be covered, letting them know that homeopathy is a very cost effective treatment option. I would be happy to provide a sample letter you could use for the purpose.